Wednesday, June 4, 2014

La Petite Ecole – Mommy & Me French/Art Class

Alex attends a French immersion class—the program uses music, play and art to teach the children about the language and culture.

One of my favorite aspects of the class is when they paint. Not only are they having fun, but they are learning about different colors, textures and techniques. I love how the teacher is actively involved in the painting as well—she uses her hands to paint, encourages the children and parents to get their hands dirty as well. 

The multitude of colors to choose from for painting. 

Another aspect of the program I like: I am learning too. As one who understands only a handful of French words, I am learning right along with Alex. My first day in class, I felt a bit like an outsider, as I really didn’t have any idea what was going on. But, as I have adjusted to that, I have also realized that not having much English spoken is actually helping me—I am listening more and starting to pick up what is going on. We love this class!

The finished work of art—it is beautiful. 
We also love our walk home from the class, where we always stop for an ice cream (if the weather is nice). Alex clearly loves the program and the ice cream afterwards as well.  

This is a quilt/linen shop next to the ice cream store. I love how they change their windows to match the seasons—every time I walk by these windows, I get a little more excited for summer!

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