Monday, May 26, 2014


My sous chef 
Every year, Alex’s school puts on a Touch-A-Truck event. They close down the street, and have trucks ranging from a fire engine to a school bus to a garbage truck (a very clean one!) to a police car—the kids can “drive” the truck, push many of the buttons, learn about what it does, etc…and they  love it! Unfortunately, this year, we were in Maryland for the event, so we couldn’t attend.

Since Alex’s school is a co-op-like environment, parents are required to volunteer for the event, which left me baking 75 to 100 items. I decided to make it a little easier on myself than I did last year (I made two types of cookies from scratch) and purchased brownie box mixes.

Alex, of course, wanted to help make the brownies—he was the official taste tester. 

I made the brownies according to the package, cut into small, bite-size squares, packaged them in a clear bag, and tied them with truck ribbon (the same ribbon I used last year). 

Touch-A-Truck 2013

Last year, we were able to attend the event. I baked goods and volunteered on the school bus (at the time, Alex’s favorite truck). Alex was a bit on overload during the event, which we attended with Papa and Oma.

I remember at the time thinking that he looked like such a big boy, but looking at these photos now, I cannot help but think he looked like a baby. It is amazing how much they can change in a year. 

 It is a great event for the kids—if you live in New York, I recommend you check it out next year!

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