Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Perfect Cup of Tea

I started drinking tea regularly when I studied abroad in England, and, even though I have tried to get into coffee as an adult, I just cannot do it. I much prefer the lighter taste of tea, and love sipping a cup (or several) throughout the day.

A few years ago, I discovered Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice tea—it is the perfect cup of tea. When you brew it, the aroma is like fresh baked cinnamon buns, and the taste is absolutely divine. At Alex’s school holiday party, I was talking to his teachers about tea (they are also tea lovers); I mentioned this tea, and not one of them had ever heard of it. As I feel this is a travesty, I have decided to introduce them to my favorite tea. 

Since not everyone loves cinnamon like I do, I decided to give them each two tea bags to sample. I packaged the tea in white, flat glassine bags. For the label, I used my Martha Stewart puncher to cut out a label from Kraft paper. I then wrote the name of the tea in a white pen and added adhesive to the back; I sealed the bags with the label.

Look at all the cinnamon! 

I hope they get as much pleasure out of this tea as I do—it is sometimes the only thing that excites me about to going to work in the morning, knowing that I will have my tea in hand soon. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried this tea either. Loved the way you packaged it!
