Friday, March 7, 2014

Turning Two: Better than the Zoo!

Alex turned two last week and we celebrated with a zoo-themed birthday party. We rented out a space at a NYC park (in Riverside Park) called the Hippo Playhouse. The space was perfect for a bunch of toddlers.

I will be posting about the decorations, cupcake prep, etc. later, but wanted to give an overview of his party. 

Here is the room before anything was set up. 


The park where the Hippo Playhouse is. 
We set out tails and masks for the kids (these were a hit).
In keeping with the color scheme of orange, brown and and green, we used green paper plates, brown napkins and then I added a touch of orange with bowls of goldfish. We also had 18 balloons in the same color scheme. 


Here, you can see that Alex’s sweatshirt (courtesy of his Mimzy), has the same fabric/print that I used on the birthday sign and gift bags. 

The first guest arrives.

Aunt Amanda helping Alex with his mask.
Alex’s cousins, Luca and Eva, getting into character. 

We had animal beach balls that we blew up and left around for the kids to toss (no damage to worry about with these). 


Alex is a lucky boy—he had three grandparents, two aunts, two uncles, one great-aunt, two cousins, two honorary aunts, and two honorary cousins there. 

Alex’s cousin Eva

My mom and dad
Alex and Andy

Aunt Amanda and Busza 
Mimzy, Uncle Kyle and Eva 

Story Hour with Animals

In keeping with our zoo theme, to start the party off, we had a story hour with animals. There was a story read about the animal (for example, The Little Green Turtle), and then an animal was brought out that was in the story (in this case, a turtle). The kids could touch the animals and they learned a bit about them.

The six animals that were presented were:
1.       Turtle
2.       Snake
3.       Frog
4.       Skink (large lizard-like animal)
5.       Gecko (this one was a rare gecko, so we were lucky to have it)
6.       A hairless rat (despite what one may think, these animals are actually extremely smart and friendly)

The kids were so excited to see what animal was coming out next. It really started the party off on the right foot. 

All the animals in their cages, ready to go. All the animals came from Fauna, an exotic pet shop on the Upper West Side. 
Ready to get the story hour started. 
Checking out the frog and gecko.
He was a little afraid of the skink. 

The snake—I actually touched/held this, and I am terrified of snakes (but trying not to have Alex be the same)! 


Of course, no party can be complete without music! For this portion, we had one of Alex’s music teachers come to sing with the kids. He is fantastic with children, and they loved him and his music!

We sang, we danced, we danced some more—it truly made the party feel celebratory. 

Alex checking out the guitar (he does this in music class too)!


I made two kinds of cupcakes (chocolate and vanilla) and decorated them in four different ways (lions, pandas, monkeys and elephants). The kids really loved being able to choose their favorite animal.  I will write a separate blog post about how I did these. 

Wrapping Up

Everyone got a thank you bag at the end, along with a balloon, a mask and tail, and an animal beach ball. I will write more about these later, so you can see how I put them together and what went in them. 

Alex had a great time at the party, which is obviously the most important part. There is nothing better than planning and working to create something that your child loves. It made me so happy—cannot wait for next year’s planning to begin.

Relaxing at home after the party. 

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